Eckart Voland

Prof. em. Dr. rer. nat. (Philosophy of Biology)


Eckart Voland (Foto: © Filmproduktion Anja Krug-Metzinger)
Foto: © Filmproduktion Anja Krug-Metzinger

born in 1949 in Hann. Münden (Lower Saxony). Studied Biology and Social Sciences at the University of Göttingen. 1978: Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) with a dissertation on the social behavior of primates. German Research Foundation Fellow. 1992: Postdoctoral lecture qualification (“Habilitation”, Univ. of Göttingen) for Anthropology with work on “Historical Demography and Sociobiology”. 1993/94: Senior Research Fellow at the Dept. of Anthropology, University College London. 1995-2015: Professor for Philosophy of Biology at the Institut für Philosophie (formerly known as Zentrum für Philosophie und Grundlagen der Wissenschaften) at the Justus-Liebig University at Giessen. Lectureships at ETH Zurich. Research work primarily in the fields of Evolutionary Anthropology (Sociobiology, Behavioral Ecology), Biophilosophy (Evolutionary Ethics, Evolutionary Aesthetics, Evolutionary Religious Studies) and Historical Demography. Prof. Voland’s writings have been translated into Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish (Photo: © Filmproduktion Anja Krug-Metzinger).

Member: Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt

Joachim Jungius-Siftung der Wissenschaften, Hamburg
Fellow: Hanse Institute for Advanced Studies, Delmenhorst

Alfried Krupp Institute for Advanced Studies, Greifswald
Member of advisory board: Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung

Member of editorial board:
Evolution, Mind and Behavior - Formerly Journal of Evolutionary Psychology (2003-2018)

Human Nature – An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective (1995-2010)

Philosophia naturalis (2003-2013)
Research profiles

