Eckart Voland

Prof. em. Dr. rer. nat. (Philosophy of Biology)

Papers (peer-reviewed)

II-54 Ross, Cody T. [...] Voland, Eckart [...] Borgerhoff Mulder Monique 2023
Reproductive inequality in humans and other mammals
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120: No. 22, e2220124120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2220124120

II-53. Rickard, Ian J.; Vullioud, Colin; Rousset, François; Postma, Erik; Helle, Samuli; Lummaa, Virpi; Kylli, Ritva; Pettay, Jenni E.; Røskaft, Eivin; Skjærvo, Gine R.; Störmer, Charlotte; Voland, Eckart; Waldvogel, Dominique; Courtiol, Alexandre 2022
Mothers with higher twinning propensity had lower fertility in pre-industrial Europe
Nature Communications 13 (1) 2886.
doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30366-9

II-52. Voland, Eckart; Meißelbach, Christoph 2021
Verständigungsbarrieren zwischen kulturalistischen Sozialwissenschaften und evolutionärer Anthropologie: Ursachen, Argumente und Auswege.
KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (2021).

II-51. Pink, Katharina E.; Willführ, Kai P.; Voland, Eckart; Puschmann, Paul 2020
Effects of individual mortality experience on out-of-wedlock fertility in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century Krummhörn, Germany
Human Nature 31: 141–154.

II-50. Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique; Towner, Mary C.; Baldini, Ryan; Beheim, Bret A.; Bowles, Sam; Colleran, Heidi; Gurven, Michael; Kramer, Karen L.; Mattison, Siobhán, M.; Nolin, David A.; Scelza, Brooke A.; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K.; Voland, Eckart; Ziker, John 2019
Differences between sons and daughters in the intergenerational transmission of wealth
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374: 20180076

II-49. Johow, Johannes; Willführ, Kai P.; Voland, Eckart 2019
High consanguinity promotes intergenerational wealth concentration in socioeconomically privileged Krummhörn families of the 18th and 19th centuries
Evolution and Human Behavior 40: 204-213.

II-48. Ross, Cody T.; Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique; Oh, Seung-Yun., Bowles, Sam; [...]; Voland, Eckart; Willführ, Kai [...] (34 authors), 2018
Greater wealth inequality, less polygyny: Rethinking the polygyny threshold model
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15: 20180035.

II-47. Willführ, Kai Pierre; Johow, Johannes; Voland, Eckart (2018).
When the mother-in-law is just as good - Differential mortality of reproductive females by family network composition
PLOS ONE 13(3): e0193252.

II-46. Arslan, Ruben C.; Willführ, Kai P.; Frans, Emma M.; Verweij, Karin J. H.; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Myrskylä, Mikko; Voland, Eckart; Almquist, Catarina; Zietsch, Brendan P.; Penke, Lars (2017).
Older fathers' children have lower evolutionary fitness across four centuries and in four populations
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20171562.

II-45. Fox, J., Willführ, K., Gagnon, A., Dillon, L., & Voland, E. (2017).
The consequences of sibling formation on survival and reproductive success across different ecological contexts: a comparison of the historical Krummhörn and Quebec populations.
The History of the Family 22: 364-423.

II-44. Voland, Eckart; Willführ, Kai P. (2017).
Why does paternal death accelerate the transition to first marriage in the C18-C19 Krummhörn population?
Evolution and Human Behavior 38: 125-135.
(frei verfügbar:

II-43. Voland, Eckart
The biological evolution of conscience – From parent-offspring conflict to morality.
Anthropological Review 77: 251-271, 2014. (frei verfügbar:

II-42. Rusch, Hannes; Voland, Eckart
Evolutionary aesthetics: An introduction to key concepts and current issues.
Aisthesis 6: 113-133, 2013 (frei verfügbar:

II-41. Johow, Johannes; Voland, Eckart
Conditional grandmother effects on age at marriage, age at first birth, and completed fertility of daughters and daughters-in-law in historical Krummhörn.
Human Nature 23: 341-359, 2012 (doi: 10.1007/s12110-012-9147-7)

II-40. Johow, Johannes; Fox, Molly; Knapp, Leslie A.; Voland, Eckart
The presence of a paternal grandmother lengthens interbirth interval following the birth of a granddaughter in Krummhörn (18th and 19th centuries)
Evolution and Human Behavior 32: 315-325, 2011 (doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2010.11.004)

II-39. Fox, Molly; Sear, Rebecca; Beise, Jan; Ragsdale, Gillian; Voland, Eckart; Knapp, Leslie A.
Grandma plays favorites: X-chromosome relatedness and sex specific childhood mortality.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 567-573, 2010 (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.1660)

II-38. Beise, Jan & Voland, Eckart
Intrafamilial resource competition and mate competition shaped social-group-specific natal dispersal in the 18th and 19th century Krummhörn population
American Journal of Human Biology 20: 325-336, 2008 (doi: 10.1002/ajhb.20730)

II-37. Voland, Eckart
Wir erkennen uns als den anderen ähnlich
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 55: 739-749, 2007 (doi: 10.1524/dzph.2007.55.5.739)

II-37a. Nachdruck unter dem Titel: Primatenevolution, soziale Intelligenz und Freiheitsintuition (leicht gekürzt und verändert) ZiF – Mitteilungen 2/2010: 9-16, 2010

II-36 Voland, Eckart
We recognize ourselves as being similar to others: Implications of the "Social Brain Hypothesis" for the biological evolution of the intuition of freedom
Evolutionary Psychology 5: 442-452, 2007 (open access: PDF)

II-35. Voland, Eckart
Virtuelle Welten in realen Gehirnen - Evolutionspsychologische Aspekte des Umgangs mit Medien
Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 37 (146): 7-22, 2007

II-34. Voland, Eckart
Lernen - Die Grundlegung der Pädagogik in evolutionärer Charakterisierung.
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Band 9 - Beiheft 5: 103-115, 2006

II-33. Voland, Eckart & Beise, Jan
Schwiegermütter und Totgeburten - Eine evolutionspsychologische Analyse von Kirchenbuchdaten aus der ostfriesischen Krummhörn des 18. und 19. Jhs.
Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 35: 171-184, 2004 (doi: 10.1024/0044-3514.35.3.171)

II-32. Voland, Eckart
Genese und Geltung - Das Legitimationsproblem der Evolutionären Ethik und ein Vorschlag zu seiner Überwindung
Philosophia naturalis 41: 139-153, 2004 (article PDF)

II-31. Voland, Eckart
Eigennutz und Solidarität - Das konstruktive Potenzial biologisch evolvierter Kooperationsstrategien im Globalisierungsprozess
Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik 26(4): 15-20, 2003

II-31a desgl. Nachdruck
pp. 273-286 in: Hirsch, Klaus & Seitz, Klaus (Hrsg.): Zwischen Sicherheitskalkül, Interesse und Moral. Beiträge zur Ethik der Entwicklungspolitik. Frankfurt/M & London (IKO) 2005

II-30. Voland, Eckart & Voland, Renate
Erziehung in einer biologisch determinierten Welt - Herausforderung für die Theoriebildung einer evolutionären Pädagogik aus biologischer Perspektive
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 48: 690-706, 2002

II-29. Beise, Jan & Voland, Eckart
A multilevel event history analysis of the effects of grandmothers on child mortality in a historical German population (Krummhörn, Ostfriesland, 1720-1874)
Demographic Research 7: 469-497 (Article 13), 2002 (doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2002.7.13)

II-28. Voland, Eckart & Beise, Jan
Opposite effects of maternal and paternal grandmothers on infant survival in historical Krummhörn
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52: 435-443, 2002 (doi: 10.1007/s00265-002-0539-2)

II-27. Beise, Jan & Voland, Eckart
Effect of producing sons on maternal longevity in premodern populations
Science 98: 317a, 2002 (doi: 10.1126/science.298.5592.317a)

II-26. Beise, Jan & Voland, Eckart
Differential infant mortality viewed from an evolutionary biological perspective
History of the Family 7: 515-526, 2002 (doi: 10.1016/S1081-602X(02)00124-0)

II-25. Soeling, Caspar & Voland, Eckart
Toward an evolutionary psychology of religiosity
Neuroendocrinology Letters 23 (Suppl. 4): 98-104, 2002

II-24. Lycett, J. E.; Dunbar, R. I. M.; Voland, E.
Longevity and the costs of reproduction in a historical human population
Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 267: 31-35, 2000 (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2000.0962)

II-23. Voland, Eckart
Contributions of family reconstitution studies to evolutionary reproductive ecology
Evolutionary Anthropology 9: 134-146, 2000 (doi: 10.1002/1520-6505(2000)9:3<134::AID-EVAN3>3.0.CO;2-M)

II-22. Voland, Eckart
Evolutionary ecology of human reproduction
Annual Review of Anthropology 27: 347-374, 1998 (JSTOR Link)

II-21. Voland, Eckart; Dunbar, Robin I. M.; Engel, Claudia & Stephan, Peter
Population increase and sex-biased parental investment in humans: Evidence from 18th and 19th century Germany
Current Anthropology 38: 129-135, 1997 (JSTOR Link)

II-20. Voland, Eckart & Dunbar, Robin I. M.
The impact of migration and social status on female age at marriage in an historical population
Journal of Biosocial Science 29: 355-360, 1997

II-19. Voland, Eckart
Konkurrenz in Evolution und Geschichte
Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften 7: 93-107, 1996

II-18. Voland, Eckart & Dunbar, Robin I. M.
Resource competition and reproduction - The relationship of economic and parental strategies in the Krummhörn population (1720-1874)
Human Nature 6: 33-49, 1995

II-17. Caro, T.; Frank, R.; Brown, D. M.; Parish, A.; Sellen, D. W.; Voland, E. & Borgerhoff Mulder, M.
Termination of reproduction in non-human and human female primates
International Journal of Primatology 16: 205-220, 1995 (SpringerLink)

II-16. Klindworth, Heike & Voland, Eckart
How did the Krummhörn male elite achieve above average reproductive success?
Human Nature 6: 221-240, 1995 (SpringerLink)

II-15. Voland, Eckart & Voland, Renate
Parent/offspring conflict, the extended phenotype and the evolution of the conscience
Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems 18: 397-412, 1995 (doi: 10.1016/1061-7361(95)90025-X)

II-14. Voland, Eckart & Gabler, Sabine
Differential twin mortality indicates a correlation between age and parental effort in humans
Naturwissenschaften 81: 224-225, 1994

II-13. Gabler, Sabine & Voland, Eckart
Fitness of Twinning
Human Biology 66: 699-713, 1994

II-12. Thiel, Andreas & Voland, Eckart
Eine angeborene Tötungshemmung beim Menschen gibt es nicht
Der Nervenarzt 64: 623-624, 1993

II-11. Voland, Eckart
Erkenntnischancen einer historischen Verhaltensökologie
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Reihe Medizin 41: 66-74, 1992

II-10. Voland, Eckart; Siegelkow, Eva & Engel, Claudia
Cost/benefit oriented parental investment by high status families - The Krummhörn case
Ethology and Sociobiology 12: 105-118, 1991 (doi: 10.1016/0162-3095(91)90016-J)

II-9. Voland, Eckart
Differential reproductive success within the Krummhörn population (Germany, 18th and 19th centuries)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 26: 65-72, 1990 (SpringerLink)

II-8. Voland, Eckart & Engel, Claudia
Female choice in humans: A conditional mate selection strategy of the Krummhörn women (Germany, 1720 -1874)
Ethology 84: 144-154, 1990 (doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.1990.tb00791.x)

II-7. Voland, Eckart & Voland, Renate
Evolutionary biology and psychiatry: The case of Anorexia nervosa
Ethology and Sociobiology 10: 223-240, 1989 (doi: 10.1016/0162-3095(89)90001-0)

II-6. Straka-Geiersbach, Simone & Voland, Eckart
Zum Einfluß der Säuglingssterblichkeit auf die eheliche Fruchtbarkeit (Krummhörn, 18. und 19. Jahrhundert)
Homo 39: 171-185, 1988

II-5. Voland, Eckart & Engel, Claudia
Ist das postmenopausale Sterbealter Variable einer fitnessmaximierenden Reproduktionsstrategie?
Anthropologischer Anzeiger 44:19-34, 1986

II-4. Voland, Eckart
Human sex ratio manipulation: Historical data from a German parish
Journal of Human Evolution 13: 99-107, 1984 (doi: 10.1016/S0047-2484(84)80080-9)

II-4a. desgl. Nachdruck
pp. 99-107 in: Jan Wind (ed.) Essays in Human Sociobiology
London (Academic Press) 1985

II-3. Voland, Eckart
Bestimmungsgrößen für differentielles Elterninvestment in einer menschlichen Population
Anthropologischer Anzeiger 42:197-210, 1984

II-2. Voland, Eckart
Hierarchical structure analysis of the behaviour of captive Demidoff-Galagos (Galago d. demidovii Fischer, 1808) with 'Average-Linkage' cluster analysis
Anthropologischer Anzeiger 38: 165-182, 1980

II-1. Voland, Eckart
Social play behavior of the Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus Erxl. 1777) in captivity
Primates 18: 883-901, 1977 (doi: 10.1007/BF02382938)